Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"


In the five minute clip of agent carter, many aspects of film are used, such as sound, angles and shots, editing, and mise-en-scene.
     I watched this clip a total of four times in order to focus on one film aspect each time, on the first time I watched I focused on sound. I noticed that in the first few second post-synchronized dubbing is used. In the first few seconds I heard two characters talking, their conversation played over the famous scene of all the Marvel characters that they use for all its intros. The next thing I noticed sound wise was Diegetic sound this is also shown in the opening scene, precisely, when the alarm goes off at the office and the man answers the phone to listen to the emergency recording. After this I noticed Nondiegetic sound was also added when the businessmen were walking up the stairs. During this scene, I could hear the music but on the other hand the characters couldn’t. Direct sound is when Agent Carter fights off all of the men (grunting and hitting), and when the character screams for help I realized and took notice that this was direct sound.
    The second time I watched it I made sure to, focus on camera angles and different types of shots. During the five-minute scene, I took notice that most of the shots were taken at eye level. During the five minute film a point of view shot is filmed when the man is on the phone and looks down at the piece of paper, I knew it was a point of view shot because it felt like I was looking through the characters eyes. It felt like I was the character. I took notice that another point of view shot was filmed when Carter holds a picture of her significant other steve after taking it out of her desk. After this a high angle shot is briefly shown when agent Carter makes one of the hostages get down on the ground and proceeds to handcuff him to a nearby pipe, In this brief moment the camera angle makes the character appear really small, this is a form of symbolism because at the time job position wise was really small and had no authority and is being controlled by agent Carter.
     on my third time watching the clip I focused on editing. The first thing I took notice of was a cut that was shown in the beginning scene precisely when it transitions to a year from then, this cut is a fade because the scene fades away and the screen slowly becomes black. Another editing technique that is shown is when Carter is talking to the man on the spacecraft. The filming switches between the two characters in order to add suspense. Leitmotif was another editing technique I took notice of, when the alarm goes off.

     The last time I watched it I focused on Mise-en-scene. The setting in this movie starts off in Carters office. I could tell throughout the film that since Agent Carter was a girl, none of the men took her serious, when agent carter is fighting many men at the gas station. Throughout the clip, lowkey lighting is used to convey dark feelings like suspension and tension. This lighting is really important when agent carter is at the gas station trying to fight all the men. I also took notice of blocking this is shown in the clip where the two men were sent outside to tell Carter she couldn’t be at the gas station because of the gas leakage.


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